Alessandro Cardello
De Montfort University

Roulette Winner 2024

Mangi come Parli

Alessandro took the starting statement Intangible Tangible and created a project very personal to him, based around pasta — the tangible, delicious pasta, and the intangible but just as important cultural significance of pasta. Alessandro came to the UK from Italy to study, and chose to use this project to pay tribute to loved ones back home, especially grandparents. The cook at home meal kits providing ‘nonna-quality’ pasta dishes bring the traditions, flavours and stories of Italian culture to everyone’s home.

Mangi come Parli which means eat the way you speak — celebrates the Italian language, food and cultures connecting traditions through the ingredients. The branding features custom pasta-style typefaces and the visual language adds to the appeal of the brand, and makes us very hungry!


Niall Delahunty