Keiti Collins
Loughborough University

Roulette Winner 2024


Keiti’s project centred around tackling the taboo of pubic hair amongst women. According to Keiti’s research, 80% of women shave their pubic hair. But pubic hair actually has a number of benefits such as protecting us from germs, regulating temperature, and even reducing friction during sex. Untrimmed is a campaign aimed at women, and has a visible presence in sexual health clinics with a variety of striking outcomes and some clever copywriting. 

BBH felt Keiti really considered the placement of the branding and mocked them up perfectly: ‘Whilst we all discussed how the idea could be bigger, the branding felt at home on the NHS website. Also it was great to see someone go the extra mile grading the 'in-situ' mock-ups which just made everything feel even more considered.’


Annabel Inger