Melissa Taylor
Loughborough University

Roulette Finalist 2024

Melissa looked at neon colours, the link to the emergency services, and then the health problems often younger shift workers experience. This led to Easyeat, a direct-to-consumer, personalised, on-the-job meal subscription service targeted towards shift workers aged 16-24. With different meal categories to help with issues such as sleep-regulation, vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of sunlight exposure, and other types of meals to provide extra protein or give an energy boost, the brand also appeals with playful typography and a vibrant colour palette and features breakfast, dinner and snack options.

Analogue said: ‘We loved Melissa’s idea and the level of execution was amazing, we can see Melissa is well on the way to becoming a very talent designer. It was great to see the level of thought that had gone into the different touchpoints, and visuals really help communicate here ideas clearly.’


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